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 Room 301...

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Kasazuki Kanata
Kasazuki Kanata

Rank : Nukenin
Join date : 2010-05-06
Posts : 43
Room 301... Vide
PostSubject: Room 301...   Room 301... I_icon_minitimeSun May 30 2010, 20:31

This room is located on the third floor of the west administration building. It is a rather generic academy classroom with double doors located at the back, a chalkboard opposite this, and six rows of long desks seating eight each on level footing. From the doors, on the left are eight windows, one for each desk, one for the frontmost desk before the chalkboard, and one between the double doors and the nearest desk.

An example of this room may be found here.
Top view

Each seat has been marked by plastic clip attached to the left hand uppermost corner, each numbered successively from left to right, front to back.
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Kajiwara Hazuki
Kajiwara Hazuki

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Room 301... Vide
PostSubject: Re: Room 301...   Room 301... I_icon_minitimeSun May 30 2010, 20:59

Kasazuki Kanata

[ Continued from Registration Hall ]

>>Kajiwara Hazuki

Hazuki moved up the second flight of stairs to the third floor, walked down the wall to get her feet back on the ground, then stepped into Room 301.

>>Aoikazan Kaijin

Without picking up speed, Kai followed Chirasu in, regardless of the time or distance between them, still leisurely. Almost sleepily. Or, dare suggest, drunkenly but still able to walk a straight line. No one was present yet, and it was well lit by the summer sun. He paused just at the doorframe, taking in the room before starting to walk amongst the desks and rows of chairs, touching nothing.

Eventually he came upon the third row from the front and climbed on top of it near the leftmost side, without the use of any jutsu or athletic ability. Instead, he quite literally dragged himself up as if his limbs and core were heavier than they should have been. He rolled onto his back and stretched out before folding his hands loosely over his stomach. Laying his head back, he closed his eyes and then...


>>Konoe Yana

As soon as she left the first room, she stepped into room 301 much too eagerly and nearly bumped into the Chisaru character, but managed to swerve out of the way, "Ehm..." Yana nearly scoffed but remembered she was a guest in Konoha, so to try and show some form of manners, "Sorry." she said blatantly, and stood off to the side in a bit of a shuffling movement.
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Kajiwara Hazuki
Kajiwara Hazuki

Rank : Jounin
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Posts : 275
Room 301... Vide
PostSubject: Re: Room 301...   Room 301... I_icon_minitimeSun May 30 2010, 20:59

Inuzuka Karin

Karin gave a small smile to the Hyuuga girl. She seemed so nervous, so shy that she couldn't help but like her. She hoped that the girl would get through the exam, and felt sorry about tricking the girl. But it was her job, and she just hoped Kimiko would forgive her for tricking her in the end. "Thanks! It was disappointing, but what could I do? I hope you'll pass it too, Kimko-san!" "Mitsuki" said cheerfully. She glanced about her. Most people were here, and moving towards room 301. She nodded discreetely to Hazuki "Chisaru", then turned back to Kimiko.

"I'm sure you'll be fine. The Chuunin exams isn't nearly as scary as it sounds, though you'll be tested in more ways than one. But I wouldn't worry, Kimiko-san. I'm sure you'll do fine." Karin couldn't really say for sure, of course, but she hoped it was true. She smiled again. "Let's go." She gestured for Kimiko to go first, then followed the girl in.
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Kajiwara Hazuki
Kajiwara Hazuki

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Posts : 275
Room 301... Vide
PostSubject: Re: Room 301...   Room 301... I_icon_minitimeSun May 30 2010, 20:59

Kajiwara Hazuki

Even though she and Kai were the only two in the once-empty classroom, Hazuki stood near the door awkwardly as she decided on a place to sit. She was just about to move, but when someone dodged her, she stopped. The other girl, who she saw was from Kiri, didn't have the kindest tone to her voice, and the expression on Chirasu's face faltered, hurt. She put her hand to her mouth timidly, which was too much of a Hazuki-esque thing to do, but the failure of an actress couldn't help it. "Oh...ah. It's okay..." She was almost about to apologize herself, but remembered that she didn't do anything. Her alter-ego wouldn't have said sorry.

She followed Kaijin up the rows of desks and picked a seat on the left of the very first row. It seemed like something an eager genin would do, sit in the front. The pink-eyed girl seated herself, then twisted her body to glance where the real Kusa-nin sat. Except...he wasn't sitting at all. Instead, he was laying down on the long desk like it was an operating table or something. Her mouth was open slightly. Who did that?

"Y..." Hazuki sounded quietly, but stopped. She couldn't even form a word, but it could very well be useless to attempt to talk to him like this. Instead, she took out one of her tessen again to fan herself and turned back to face the front of the classroom, patiently waiting for the exam to start.
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Kajiwara Hazuki
Kajiwara Hazuki

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Posts : 275
Room 301... Vide
PostSubject: Re: Room 301...   Room 301... I_icon_minitimeSun May 30 2010, 21:00

Kagayaku Sorako

>>Aoikazan Kaijin

"Huh...?" His eyes opened slowly as he turned his head towards the door, spying the genin who had started to trickle in, through slitted, pale green eyes. They were loud and impolite, to put a general harness on them all for lack of his own effort, and certainly disruptive. What a commotion! Maybe it was his old-ness kicking in there, that he felt fewer words might have been the better deal in an exam such as this. He hadn't heard much about it, but surely he could expect their shinobi put to use, no matter what they ended up doing. Somewhere, somehow...

Without a sound Kai turned his head the other way to get a look at Chirasu who had apparently decided that the front desk was the best. With his feet towards the windows, it was difficult to get a good look around the room without straining, so he focused on her instead. Though, to say he was focused was probably a visual understatement, considering his gaze was always distant. He regarded her sleepily for a moment - not that he didn't look that way anyway.

"Were you uhh... gonna say something?" he asked, though he didn't raise his voice at all so there was a chance he would not be heard... but that hardly deterred him from (not) trying. He released one hand from the other, his left, so that he could slip his fingers amongst his hair against his head, the strands themselves being some dark, grassy mass sprawled out over the smooth wood. Beside him he could see the numbers on the desks. Maybe he would sit here when the examiners came.

Kaijin looked like he was about to go to sleep again with his neck twisted like that, but he then he grumbled, "I, uhh... don't mind talking if you... uh... still want to..."
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Kajiwara Hazuki
Kajiwara Hazuki

Rank : Jounin
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Posts : 275
Room 301... Vide
PostSubject: Re: Room 301...   Room 301... I_icon_minitimeSun May 30 2010, 21:00

Hyuuga Hoshiko

Hoshi slipped into the room, brushing a strand of purple hair out of her eyes, breathing hard. That is the last time I EVER decide to sleep in! The one time I decide to, my alarm doesn't go off! What is wrong with that!? I just barely made it here!" Hoshi thought angerly, walking into the room. Luckily for Hoshi, she had made it just on time, as the exam hadn't started already. She didn't know whether this exam was a hassle or not. She didn't like pretending, but it was fun to see the other genin flounder about and look like idiots.

So Hoshi had a twisted sense of humor.

The girl picked a spot near the middle, taking a deep breath before looking about. Two other disgused jounin/chuunin were there, but she made no indication she knew them. After all, "Hanon" didn't know them. The purple haired, pink eyed girl who was apparently from Suna rested her chin on her hands, which were on the desk. This promised to be interesting, judging from the characters here.

*Mitamora Ohjiro*

"Takuto" stepped into the room, closely following Karin, though behind the girl Karin had been talking to. The boy picked a spot near Chirasu, sitting to her right. He nodded his head at her. "Hiya!" he said cheerfully, smiling at her, inwardly groaning. This was so troublesome! He hoped this thing would be over... soon.
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Kajiwara Hazuki
Kajiwara Hazuki

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Posts : 275
Room 301... Vide
PostSubject: Re: Room 301...   Room 301... I_icon_minitimeSun May 30 2010, 21:01

Kajiwara Hazuki

Even though his voice was low, Hazuki could still pick up on it. She shifted around in her seat to face Kai again. "Um, well," the girl said from behind her tessen, which she stopped waving for the moment, "it's just that the exam is supposed to start soon, so..." ...So maybe he shouldn't be sleeping on the desks? "...So, people are probably going to sit there, too." She was perfectly fine with not talking anymore, especially since the genin was now apparently trying to sleep, even though he really shouldn't. The blue-haired girl turned back to the front of the room, then turned her head to the right as someone greeted her.

"Hello," she answered pleasantly, placing her hand and fan on the desk. "I'm Kanashii Chirasu. What's your name?" Hazuki didn't mind having to be here, but she did want the exams to get going, not that she minded waiting for them to start.
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Kajiwara Hazuki
Kajiwara Hazuki

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Room 301... Vide
PostSubject: Re: Room 301...   Room 301... I_icon_minitimeSun May 30 2010, 21:01

Sasaki Kanzen

Bored or curious, one of the first Genin to make way for 301 from the collection of the staircase, Sasaki Kanzen was only just returning to the scene. He had entered the room promptly, had a quick look around and grew easily bored. The exam wasn't beginning yet, anyway, correct? Not to mention, it had only taken him all of a few minutes to walk the length of the hall 300s - nothing too interesting at all, but perhaps it would be of use someday if he were ever in the building once again. Not that he was expecting to have to come back to the Chuunin exams, and not that they would even be in Konoha consecutively. It was simply a large building that seemed well maintained... they had to use it for something, didn't they?

With a shrug of his shoulders and a sudden loss of interest, Kanzen returned to room 301 to take a random seat near the window. He didn't plan on letting it distract him, of course, but the room just felt more open that way. And less like it would soon be full up to capacity with other people. The blonde grimaced and sighed at the thought.
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Kajiwara Hazuki
Kajiwara Hazuki

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Room 301... Vide
PostSubject: Re: Room 301...   Room 301... I_icon_minitimeSun May 30 2010, 21:01

Kasazuki Kanata

[ No jounin ages twenty or older, henceforth "proctors," are allowed to disguise themselves as genin, nor appear in any chuunin exam threads at this time. ]
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Kajiwara Hazuki
Kajiwara Hazuki

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Room 301... Vide
PostSubject: Re: Room 301...   Room 301... I_icon_minitimeSun May 30 2010, 21:02

Akiyama Rikuto

Having given in his papers downstairs in a bit of a rush, Rikuto hurried up the stairs to the room designated for them to wait in before the exam. Knowing that his usual timely manner was thrown off when he slept in a bit that morning, his pace was a lot faster than normal, as he tried to make up for it on his way up. As he went up the stair's the young Kumo shinobi's shield bounced on his back, the straps it was tied to himself with looser due to his hastiness. Gotta remember to tighten those... He noted to himself as he went. As he reached the top of the stairs he spotted the sign at the door of Room 301, and in a slower walk entered, glancing around for familiar faces, and any notification that he was in the right place.

So this is where its gonna start... Rikuto looked around, the excitement of the exam getting to him a bit, even if it was just a classroom full of desks and other genins. Tapping his fingers together in front of him for a second, his hands sweating a little in his gloves, he decided he'd go stand near the wall closest to the window for now, not wanting to interrupt anyone, since they all looked pretty engaged in their conversations. Leaning against the wall, he looked over towards the window, and noticed the blonde genin sitting, seemingly uninterested with the rest of them. With his usual fool's smile, Rikuto waved, before going back to looking around the room, the teal haired youth still beaming as he did so. This is it! The Chuunin exam!

((Short post is short and bad, I know... I just wanted to make sure I posted before I forgot again...))
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Kajiwara Hazuki
Kajiwara Hazuki

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Posts : 275
Room 301... Vide
PostSubject: Re: Room 301...   Room 301... I_icon_minitimeSun May 30 2010, 21:02

Kasazuki Kanata

[ OKAY SCREW IT ALL. It is now 0850~!! Until I can get my bearings and actually write up all the crap - actually? - that needs to be said and done at 0900. So make your genin all excited/scared/concerned/curious/angry/annoyed/etcetc! Last words, speak now! Proctors keep an eye on the thread; you will be messaged your assignments once the genin have all been seated. ]
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Kajiwara Hazuki
Kajiwara Hazuki

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Posts : 275
Room 301... Vide
PostSubject: Re: Room 301...   Room 301... I_icon_minitimeSun May 30 2010, 21:02

Sasaki Kanzen

There was a brief moment in which the two boys' eyes met, one in which Kanzen seemed almost curious... as if something had actually captured his interest for once in a rare while. He said nothing, nor did his expression change to suggest that he might be thinking. He was simply sizing up the other in his usual passive-aggressive manner; intrigued and defensive, but willing to admit neither. Not that it really mattered, anyway. As soon as the other Genin smiled and waved, the blonde sat upright a little stiffer, wrinkled his nose and scoffed as he turned his head to the side to look out the window once more.

[ nataga ban'yuu ] :: sunagakure

Then as if from nowhere, a boy from Suna who would prove to be the polar opposite of the Konoha-nin which formerly held his attention, suddenly appeared in front of Rikuto. He waved his hand and grinned just the same, as if the expression had been meant for him all along. Nevermind that likely none of the other students had even seen or heard him enter. Ban'yuu wasn't even necessarily trying to surprise anyone, but instead it was just his usual way of getting around. "Heyaa. I didn't see you downstairs," he greeted, offering a hand to shake. "I'm Ban."
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Kajiwara Hazuki
Kajiwara Hazuki

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Posts : 275
Room 301... Vide
PostSubject: Re: Room 301...   Room 301... I_icon_minitimeSun May 30 2010, 21:03

Hyuuga Hoshiko

Mitamora Ohjiro

Ohjiro smiled at the girl, though mentally groaned. The next time someone even mentioned the chuunin exams he would make sure he was nowhere to be found. This thing was rediculous. And stupid. But he was probably biased, since he had passed it years ago and with ease. And, though he was good with them, he hated younger kids. They were so... annoying. But that wasn't a reason to be rude, at least to Takuto. To Ohjiro, being rude was just a fact in life. But his character....

"I'm Kira Takuto. Are you nervous, Chirasu-chan?" "Takuto" asked, resting his head on his hands.
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Kajiwara Hazuki
Kajiwara Hazuki

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Posts : 275
Room 301... Vide
PostSubject: Re: Room 301...   Room 301... I_icon_minitimeSun May 30 2010, 21:03

Hyuuga Hoshiko

"Hanon" tapped a kunai on her desk, watching the clock avidly. It was almost time to start and even though she wasn't really participating in the exams, she was excited. A wry smile touched her lips and she blew another strand of hair out of her face. The chuunin exams had been a challange for her back then, though she doubted this would pose much of a challange. But to the real genin... The girl let her pink eyes wander a bit, scrutionizing each person before moving on. Some seemed excited, some nervous, some just plain bored. She allowed herself another smile. This was going to be interesting, this was.

Hoshi shook her head and, at the moment of her destraction, the kunai she had been spinning absent mindedly slipped off her finger and soared across the room to bury itself near a window. Hoshi gave a little squeak of alarm - so much for not making a fool of herself - and the pretend Suna girl ran over to pull it out. Unfortunatly, life hated her at the moment, and the kunai not only refused to come out, but went in deeper. She growled, and gave an almighty yank... and promptly fell over backwards, landing flat on her back on the floor. Hoshi groaned and covered her eyes. I'm going to hear about this later....
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Kajiwara Hazuki
Kajiwara Hazuki

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Posts : 275
Room 301... Vide
PostSubject: Re: Room 301...   Room 301... I_icon_minitimeSun May 30 2010, 21:03

Kagayaku Sorako

>>Aoikazan Kaijin

"Huh?" the Taki-genin sniffed sleepily, lifting his head off his hands to look through half-closed eyes at the sort of threatening thunk! of a ... well... a kunai finding itself a little niche in the wall. His eyes were starting to close again, finding no threat to deal with, until something bright and very unusual caught his attention.

He suppressed a yawn as he sat up, giving his arms a good stretch before he hopped quickly enough off the desk that he may well not have been lying there for more than a few seconds. One hand found air in front of his mouth as he couldn't stand for just that much less oxygen, and then ceased movement in surprise as a girl fell flat almost at his feet, though his casual expression suggested that he wasn't surprised at all.

Then again, Kaijin was never one known for being very expressive despite his opinionated tendencies.

"Uhm..." Well, that was a new variation of a stall. "Hello..." This time, while he peered down at the kunoichi, his lime eyes were just slightly wider, but still in that careless manner. However, perhaps he had just as much right to appear so nonchalant - he was, after all, the eldest genin present, disguised or not.

He reached out a gloved hand to her, and from this angle and at such close range, the density of the fabric of his gloves was more distinctive, and they were differently shaped around the knuckles and wrists, as though there was something far more solid than just leather or cloth there, if invisibly.

Despite his offer of assistance in standing, Kai wasn't looking at her. Instead, he was gazing somewhere out towards the sky through the window, the same way he had downstairs except at the ceiling and walls. "I'm Aoikazen Kaijin," he said, by way of introduction, but without any particular flare... though perhaps the manner in which he did so, speaking as though he was indeed facing her and they were conversing quite politely...

"Do you like the weather better here or, uhh... in Sunagakure?"
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Kajiwara Hazuki
Kajiwara Hazuki

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Posts : 275
Room 301... Vide
PostSubject: Re: Room 301...   Room 301... I_icon_minitimeSun May 30 2010, 21:04

Hyuuga Hoshiko

Stupid! Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid! Hoshi mentally berated herself, still lying on the floor, staring up at the ceiling. She hadn't wanted to attract attention, but it looked like that sort of failed! Couldn't she do anything right today? Footsteps sounded above her, and she mentally groaned. It better not be Karin or Ohjrio. If it is, I will shoot them. But, no, it was a boy, a Taki-genin.

"Hello to you too." The girl replied after a moment. A slow flush was spreading across her cheeks, and she closed her eyes. "Did I bother you?" Stupid question! Could she just die now? Please? Of course, life wasn't that nice.

Hoshi blinked at the offered hand, and not just at the sudden curtesy. The glove was... strange. She hadn't seen something like them before. She accepted the hand, letting him pull her to her feet. "I'm Mitaku Hanon. Sorry about that. My kunai seems to hate me today." She scowled darkly at the kunai. "This definatly doesn't seem like a good omen." She gave another useless tug at the weapon, then turned back to the boy.

Hoshi thought carefully before answering his question. "Well, it's a lot colder hear than in Suna, but that's to be expcted. But I like all the trees. I don't know, I guess." She shrugged. Then, curiously, "What about you? How different is it here than from Taki? And what're your gloves made of? They're different than usual."
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Kajiwara Hazuki
Kajiwara Hazuki

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Posts : 275
Room 301... Vide
PostSubject: Re: Room 301...   Room 301... I_icon_minitimeSun May 30 2010, 21:04

Kajiwara Hazuki

Just like her companion, Hazuki also passed the exams a few years ago, but she wouldn't complain about having to take them again under a new identity. It was what chuunin and jounin eventually did, and if she didn't want to help out with the exams, then she would have just stayed as a genin. "Good to meet you," she replied politely, grinning. "No, I'm not nervous at all! This is my second time taking the exams, so I know better now..." Her genjutsu-enhanced pink eyes darted off to a clock on the wall for a second as she trailed off. Hazuki's heart beat a little faster in anticipation, but Chirasu only smiled wider.

"L-look!" Announced the jounin-disguised-genin, "it's going to start soon..."
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Kajiwara Hazuki
Kajiwara Hazuki

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Posts : 275
Room 301... Vide
PostSubject: Re: Room 301...   Room 301... I_icon_minitimeSun May 30 2010, 21:04

Kagayaku Sorako

>>Aoikazan Kaijin

"Mitaku Hanon." He gave a brief nod of acknowledgment, not bothering to bow as formally as he had in Chirasu's presence. Maybe he just thought he might topple over from sleepiness if he did. "Kunai..." it was almost a whisper, escaping his lips so carefully and singsongy - on just one note - that it could have been the name of someone he was trying to recall.

But his attention turned back towards Hanon as she was speaking, his expression slowly growing almost revolted, or disgusted, but not at anything in their immediate vicinity. And then, after she had finished speaking, right after in fact, he turned his head and sneezed again, cleanly. It seemed more like a simple gesture rather than a reaction... but how that was possible was anyone's guess.

"Takigakure is cooler," he told her raggedly, his eyes where the floor met the wall on his left, as if expecting a consecutive sneeze. "It's, uh, stuffy here without the water. The trees here are kind of... uhh... different."

Kai reached up to idly scratch the top of his head, as if he had replied to what Hanon had initially said but hadn't registered what she said after, even in waiting for her to finish. The thin, occasional braids in his hair were more visible in the sunlight that filtered through the windows, each one wrapped with flat string or narrow ribbon. His hair itself was all over the place enough.

"Uhh, my gloves..." His gaze lifted to outside, looking a little more awake and more thoughtful. He relaxed his jaw and held one hand out in front of him, though his elbow was still by his side. His hand was at an angle, the top showing most. He still wasn't looking at his acquaintance. "They're... made of a kind of, uhh, leather from our big tree. The bark is pretty strong so we, uhh... I don't know. Make this."

Kaijin's focus then shifted to the kunoichi, at last, but they didn't seem to be able to really see her the way most people's eyes did. "There's metal inside the, uhh... leather... I only saw the inside once." His scratching hand moved to the back of his head, absently buried in his green strands. "They're like, uhh... gauntlets. There are plates of metal inside..."

He looked over at the nearby desk and gave it a rap with the side of his knuckles. The sound was dull and muffled, hardly noticeable amongst all the noises and voices in the room, but the heaviness was certainly akin to metal.
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Kajiwara Hazuki
Kajiwara Hazuki

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Posts : 275
Room 301... Vide
PostSubject: Re: Room 301...   Room 301... I_icon_minitimeSun May 30 2010, 21:05

Hyuuga Hoshiko

Hoshi didn't mind not being bowed to. Formaility bothered her, though she was quiet formal herself. It seemed like this boy was sort of... well, out of it. But no matter. She only raised an eyebrow at his sneeze. "Are you perhaps allergic to something here?" she inquired. Maybe not the nicests of things to say, but hey, who said she was nice. She wondered if it had maybe been done on purpous, to stop her from talking. If it was... well, it had failed. Hanon loved to talk.

"Cooler? Cooler than this?" Hanon said, blinking. She'd never been to Takigakure. And apparently, it was really wet. Suna being in a desert, Hanon asked, "How can you deal with so much water? Isn't it... inconvienient?" Hoshi liked water, by Hanon did not. She was a Suna-nin, through and through.

At her question, he seemed more awake. Hoshi didn't need to fake surprise, she really was. The girl leaned over to look at his glove. "A tree? Really?" Gloves made out of trees? She wasn't sure if he was telling the truth, but this had been the best thing she had heard all day. "Metal plates inside.... That's cool!" she clapped her hands together, eyes shining. "It's kinda like this, then." She pulled her fan out of her pocket. Like Chirasu, she used a fan as her weapon, along with other things. The tip of it was sharpened metal, though the thing looked harmless to the naked eye.


"Good to meet you too!" Takuto said cheerfully. Ohjiro didn't understand cheerful people at all. What was there to be cheerful dfor, day in and day out? "Mm. I'm more excited than nervous, really. I wonder what's going to come first." Of course, the jounin knew, but Takuto didn't. "You've done this before? Really? Why, if you don't mind me asking?"

Takuto glupped when he saw the time. "This is gonna be interesting!" he said quietly.

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Kajiwara Hazuki
Kajiwara Hazuki

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Posts : 275
Room 301... Vide
PostSubject: Re: Room 301...   Room 301... I_icon_minitimeSun May 30 2010, 21:05

Kajiwara Hazuki

Hazuki would rather be cheerful than be miserable all the time, though she knew it couldn't always be helped. She'd try to pretend to be fine in such times so no one would worry about her. "Heheh...I failed the exams the first time I took them," the girl answered in a bit of an embarrassed tone, scratching her cheek awkwardly, "so I'm here to try again." The rate of failure was pretty high, though. It was very likely there were others who were taking the exams again.

The girl with azure hair nodded quickly. "Yup yup!" She was genuinely curious to see how this group of genin worked.
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Kajiwara Hazuki
Kajiwara Hazuki

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Posts : 275
Room 301... Vide
PostSubject: Re: Room 301...   Room 301... I_icon_minitimeSun May 30 2010, 21:05

Kagayaku Sorako

>>Aoikazan Kaijin

"Uh..." Kaijin glanced upwards again, though his lime green eyes never seemed to really focus on anything. They were simply looking, it seemed, not seeing. They were relaxed, constantly, in some mild curiosity. Anyone could take a wild guess at his interest, though. His hand lifted up off the desk as he did so, hovering in the air while he was busy not paying attention. When Hanon mentioned her thoughts about his gloves, his gaze drifted carelessly towards her face.

He was silent a moment, before he said, as though she hadn't said anything at all just then, "It's not inconvenient." Spoken lightly and yet matter-of-factly, as if no matter what anyone said to him, or proved to him, he may only stick to what he had stated himself. "Anything can be, uhh... inconvenient if you see it that way." He stuck his hand back in his shock of hair, absently looking at the wall near the ceiling. One would begin to wonder how he would fare in this exam...

"It is, uhh... a way of life, even if it's, uhh... inconvenient or convenient."

Kai turned his head away at the fan, and this may have seemed infinitely rude at first, but upon further examination his gaze could be seen peering at it despite the rest of his body language. As if he was trying to avoid having the top pointed at him. "Uh... Is it metal?" He turned his whole body then, a little to the side, and held up his free, left hand near the fan to compare... though, of course, this wasn't an effective method to do so. "Hmm..."
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Kajiwara Hazuki
Kajiwara Hazuki

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Posts : 275
Room 301... Vide
PostSubject: Re: Room 301...   Room 301... I_icon_minitimeSun May 30 2010, 21:06

Akiyama Rikuto

As their eyes met, the other boy's cool and tense response left Rikuto to stop waving, though his smile didn't falter. Was he not a morning person? I guess he's just preoccupied thinking about the exam, like I am, yeah, that must be it. Quickly convincing himself that the other genin's intentions were not more than his own he took his right hand and swiped his hair from his face, the longer part having fallen into his eyes a bit. Turning, he decidedly chose to look around the room once more, and see who was taking the exam with him.

He found himself face to face with another genin, from the headband he wore one saw he was a Suna-nin, waving and grinning at him. After overcoming the initial start of not noticing him right in front of him, Rikuto's smile returned. Scratching the back of his head a bit embarrassed for having missed his peer, he extended his other hand to shake, and said, "Yeah, I was a bit behind schedule so I wasn't down there long. Nice to meet ya, Ban. I'm Rikuto."

((Sorry for the late reply, I was at an anime convention all weekend >.>;;; ))
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Kajiwara Hazuki
Kajiwara Hazuki

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Room 301... Vide
PostSubject: Re: Room 301...   Room 301... I_icon_minitimeSun May 30 2010, 21:06

Iwasaki Kin

Kin stumbled into room 301 nearly falling to the ground, but he caught himself quickly and pushed his lopsided headband away from his eyes. He carefully scanned the room, and then began a quick examination of all the other people, all the while feeling very intimidated. Kin made sure not to make eye contact with anyone, and he shuffled over to the desks to find a nice place to sit, far.. far, far away from anyone, but before he could even pick a seat to hide in, Kin stumbled again. This time he fell face down flat on the ground, and made a large thud when his body hit the ground. It wasn't his actual body that made the sound, but the heavy and over sized clothing he wore. "Grmmfffph.." Kin muffled into the concrete ground, and decided that laying there would be better than getting up, thus drawing attention to himself.

No one would notice him if he just laid there, right? Besides all that, Kin had a feeling his eyes would start welling up with tears if he were to get up, and have everyone stare at him. "I should have stayed home.." Kin now grumbled into the ground in his normal voice, which was too cute for his own good, and couldn't be identified as either male or female half the time.
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Kajiwara Hazuki
Kajiwara Hazuki

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Room 301... Vide
PostSubject: Re: Room 301...   Room 301... I_icon_minitimeSun May 30 2010, 21:06

Hyuuga Hoshiko

Hoshiko wrinkled her nose slightly. Rain was all fine and dandy, and she liked water, but everyday? She'd get sick of it, that was certain. But, apparently, it wasn't inconvienent to him. He lived there, though. The girl shook her head slightly. This boy was strange, that was for sure. But, hey, she was too, so she shouldn't be throwing bullets. "I guess so. And, since you're use to it, it probably doesn't bother you, does it? Just like the heat doesn't bother me ." Actually, Hoshi didn't do well in the heat, but Kaijin didn't know that.

Was he looking at the fan or not? She couldn't tell. Did he have something wrong with him or something? He was so... spacy. The girl gave a mental shrug. Not her business. "Yes. Metal is all along the edge, making it more suitable for slashing than anything else. It's a good weapon, though." She smiled.


Karin had been wandering about the classroom, not wanting to sit down. She had noted that "Takuto" was talking to a girl, being cheerful. She bit back a smile. Ohjiro must be in agony, the silly party-pooper. Oh well. Sucks to be him. The honey colour haired "genin" shook her head. It was his choice. She let her her brown-gold eyes roam the classroom, watching the real genin. The failure rate was high, how were these genin going to fair? It'd be fun to find out.

All of a sudden, something fell right in front of her. The girl jumped back, nearly dropping her classes. Pushing them up her nose, she looked down at the boy who had fallen flat on his face in front of her. She knelt down, offering a hand. "Are you all right? I did the same thing in the enterence hall." Only, she had ran into the wall. The girl shook her head slightly. "I'm Mitsuki."
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Kajiwara Hazuki
Kajiwara Hazuki

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Join date : 2010-05-07
Posts : 275
Room 301... Vide
PostSubject: Re: Room 301...   Room 301... I_icon_minitimeSun May 30 2010, 21:07

Iwasaki Kin

It took Kin a good five minutes to realize someone had been speaking to him, and he felt his heart shrink with devastation that someone saw him fall. He didn't move right away, but he did peek up at the girl through his disheveled blond hair, although he was a sneaky snake and appeared to be dead. Finally, Kin's body let out a big quiet sigh, and the only reason it was noticeable was because his body seemed to deflate in his over sized clothing.

"..I'm fine," Kin spoke softly, and with an obvious embarrassment tone to his voice. He hesitantly took her hand, and helped himself up, careful not to fall back down. "Um.. thanks," He muttered and pulled his hands inside his long sleeved shirt as some weird self defense mechanism. "I'm Iwasaki Kin," His voice wasn't so much of a mutter anymore, and actually had some enthusiasm in it compared to his previous speeches. He shook his head heavily, as if his head band had heavy weights hidden in it, "I fall a lot, that's why my mom put a lot of padding in my clothing," It was true, his mother had sewn in some light padding in the lining of his clothing so he wouldn't harm himself so much walking around. "I'm.. I'm a hazard to people,"
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Room 301... Vide
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