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 Room 301...

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Kasazuki Kanata
Kasazuki Kanata

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Room 301... - Page 2 Vide
PostSubject: Room 301...   Room 301... - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSun May 30 2010, 20:31

First topic message reminder :

This room is located on the third floor of the west administration building. It is a rather generic academy classroom with double doors located at the back, a chalkboard opposite this, and six rows of long desks seating eight each on level footing. From the doors, on the left are eight windows, one for each desk, one for the frontmost desk before the chalkboard, and one between the double doors and the nearest desk.

An example of this room may be found here.
Top view

Each seat has been marked by plastic clip attached to the left hand uppermost corner, each numbered successively from left to right, front to back.
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Kasazuki Kanata
Kasazuki Kanata

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Room 301... - Page 2 Vide
PostSubject: Re: Room 301...   Room 301... - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSun May 30 2010, 23:35

Hyuuga Hoshiko

She wondered if the boy had knocked himself out. Karin had done that several times himself, to her exasperation and embaressment. Being clumsey was sort of her forte. She was just beginning to get worried when she saw his clothes sort of... deflate. And what such overlarged clothing too. Does he like that sort of clothing? she wondered. Herself, she liked skin-tight clothing, though Mitsuki was wearing loose clothing.

"That's good." she said warmly, ignoring the embaressment in his tone. She found it was just easier for people to ignore the embaressment. She helped him up with a smile, shaking her head at his words, making her blonde curles bounce. "Not a problem. It's embaressing, isn't it? I'm quite clumsey myself, so I'm use to these sort of things." The girl assured the genin. Karin was glad he had started to perk up. "Nice to meet you, Kin-kun!" Karin laughed at his next words. "Haha, that sounds a lot like me! My friends call me a 'Walking-Murphy's-Law' - whatever bad thing can happen, it can and will happen to me! I'm a hazard to myself and society, but that doesn't stop me!" Karin said cheerfully, rubbing the back of her neck in a slightly sheepish way.

Time to change the subject. "So, is this your first time taking the exams? Are you excited?"
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Kasazuki Kanata
Kasazuki Kanata

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Room 301... - Page 2 Vide
PostSubject: Re: Room 301...   Room 301... - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSun May 30 2010, 23:35

Iwasaki Kin

Kin didn't seem all that appreciative of the Karin's kindness on the outside, but he really was glad it was Karin he ran into, and not someone else. He shuffled in his spot, seeming uncomfortable, and patted down his large tunic just so he had something to do with his hands. He was obviously an awkward child, and probably looked like he didn't know what to do when not falling over.

He looked up at her through his small eyelashes, and then gave a half frown while biting the corner of his lower lip, "Mhm.." He murmured and then looked down to his hands, "Y-yeah, I, um, fall over a lot and, um.. yeah?" He sounded unsure of his own voice, but Karin's enthusiasm made him feel better. Kin shuffled again, and then stood there pigeon-toed and awkwardly still. He kicked at nothing on the ground and his lavender eyes peeked back up at the girl again, "Nice to meet you too," Kin then bowed deeply, then hesitantly rose, but awkwardly bowed again just so the blood rushing away from his brain could probably flood back to his head, so he didn't faint.

"You are like m-me then.." Kin spoke to the girl, even though he was still bowing. He felt more comfortable this way, and he didn't really think about how weird he looked. "Walking.. Murphy's Law?" Kin spoke to himself while trying to decipher what she had said. He was intelligence, but he wasn't familiar with Murphy's Law. Kin finally rose, and glanced at her only for a split second, "Oh, I see.. I guess.. guess that's like me, right? Ha.. ha." He sounded way too awkward now, and his cheeks began to glow a beet red colour due to embarrassment. "Good for you!" Kin burst out loudly, and held his hands into fists near his chest. He might have taken it too seriously, but he found her enthusiasm to just be herself inspiring. "Good for you.." he spoke again in a more quiet voice.

His back straightened up quickly when the spot light was put on him, and he stared wide eyed at her, "Um! Y-yes!" he nodded quickly, and then tucked his hands under his chin nervously, "My first exam.. I don't really want to be here though, I am not strong enough to become a chuunin.." With that attitude he isn't, but Kin doesn't know his own strength anyways. Kin scrunched his nose and stared at her nervously, "...What.. what about you?"
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Kasazuki Kanata
Kasazuki Kanata

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Room 301... - Page 2 Vide
PostSubject: Re: Room 301...   Room 301... - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSun May 30 2010, 23:35

Hyuuga Hoshiko

Karin wished that Kin wouldn't be so uncomfortable. It was really quite depressing. Karin was a friendly girl, and it bothered her that someone wasn't comfortable around her. She smiled kindly at the awkward kid, but didn't comment on his shuffling. Maybe he'd calm down a bit.

"I run into walls daily. Maybe I'm unobservant, but I'm use to it." She said with a shrug. Truthfully, she really didn't run into walls. Trip over things yes. But anything to makes this kid feel better. He seemed so awkward, so nervous.... it bothered her. She laughed, bowing again. "You're from Iwa, I see. Is it different from Konoha? I've never been there..." She changed the subject, hoping to put him at ease.

"Yep! I'm a hazard to other people and myself. It's kinda depressing, since I'm always hurting myself in really weird ways, but I'm use to it." She said cheerfully. She wished he would rise from his bow. "Hey, being clumsy isn't a bad thing, Kin-kun. It's kind of embaressing - okay, a lot embaressing - but it's really okay." she said gently. She laughed. "No need to lower your voice, it's fine. Really."

"Mitsuki" cocked her head at him. He didn't want to be here? Strange. She had assumed everyone had wanted to be a chuunin. Why stay a genin forever? "You won't be strong enough if you keep thinking like that, Kin-kun. Everyone has their talents. I'm sure you'll be fine." She said encouragingly. "It's my first too... Truthfully, I'm way nervouse.... I'm not exactly the best shinobi, though I try. But I'm excited too. Aren't you?"
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Kasazuki Kanata
Kasazuki Kanata

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Room 301... - Page 2 Vide
PostSubject: Re: Room 301...   Room 301... - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSun May 30 2010, 23:36

Iwasaki Kin

It wasn't that he was uncomfortable with Karin, or that he was afraid of anyone in the room, but it was his nature to be weird and to be meek. Even he wished he could grow a backbone and liven up a little around nice people. But who would want to be friends with someone like him anyways?

Kin couldn't help but give a light and soft chuckle at her words, and found it a little bit easier to be here after hearing Karin talk about her own running in to walls tales. "Yeah.. it is a daily thing.." Kin murmured, still not finding enough courage to speak up and be louder than he was usually used to. He scrunched his nose, then covered his face with his over sized sleeves and sneezed rather cutely. He wiped his nose and gave Karin a lazy, dazed stare, "Oh, my home.." He cleared his throat and then gave his cheeks a light smack to wake himself up, "Iwagakure is very.. dry, a lot of stone," He coughed and then pointed to his headband with his thumb, "That's why there is a stone on the headband, haha.. ha. He tried to sound funny, but failed miserably.

The young boy sniffed through his nose, seemingly like he had a cold, but it might have been his nerves forcing his nose to run or something silly like that, "Well, um.. I trip a lot, and I often break my bones," And that's not because he falls down a lot, but due to his kekkei genkai. He had no choice but to do it. "I don't know if it's okay, but.. as long as people help us get up, right? Then it's okay.." Kin gave a lopsided smile, but cast his lavender gaze down to the floor.

He rolled his neck slowly, and kept his gaze off of her for awhile now. He felt ashamed for being here, seeing as most genin were excited to become a chuunin and here Kin was.. like a lump on a log. "Well.. I am strong in a way, but it's just.. not really me." Kin didn't feel like his kekkei genkai was him, but someone else telling him to do things. It was odd, and most of the Iwasaki clan felt that way. Finally, Kin's gaze landed on her once more, and he gave a forced smile, "I'm nervous, but.. I guess I can only do my best. I just would rather be enjoying a nice cup of tea!" He brightened up suddenly, and his demeanor perked up. He loved tea so much, it might as well be a sickness, "I will have tea after the exam, and that will be my driving force to get through it all.. haha!" Now he was just acting weird..
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Kasazuki Kanata
Kasazuki Kanata

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Room 301... - Page 2 Vide
PostSubject: Re: Room 301...   Room 301... - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSun May 30 2010, 23:36

Kagayaku Sorako

>>Aoikazan Kaijin

He bowed his head a little in response, though his lime eyes were still angled upwards, so that at this point his gaze rested on Hanon, though still not as focused as should be natural. It was a nod of sorts, though he hadn't cared to realign his spine until a few seconds later, as if he might have been thinking a bit on what she had said. But, after pondering the use of her weapon, he had come to some conclusion or other.

And, actually, Kaijin even smiled slightly.

"A good weapon that you like is always... uh... helpful, when you fight." He twisted his wrist so that the palm on his outstretched arm was facing him, and by this time all traces of the smile had gone, as though it had never existed and he was again incapable of any real emotion. It was indeed a dangerous-looking glove... but that wasn't even the whole of it, and no one would know it lest they managed to strike him deftly and widely. But any contact at all would probably give away a great defense.

Then he stretched his arms over his head, his long sleeves slipping slightly to reveal the edges of metal bands around his wrists, but he was obviously unconcerned - what was new? - as he glanced towards the clock. "It's almost time, isn't it? Are you, uhh, worried at all? I'm, uhh... a little." Even though he was visibly older than everyone else...
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Kasazuki Kanata
Kasazuki Kanata

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Room 301... - Page 2 Vide
PostSubject: Re: Room 301...   Room 301... - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSun May 30 2010, 23:37

Sasaki Kanzen

How can they be so ... Kanzen just sneered as he looked out onto the people outside the window to the building, more students and family and instructors and proctors all buzzing over the event. Though the others gathering with him inside weren't so far out of his thoughts, either. How they could all be so emotional over the exams was beyond him - some so nervous that they couldn't stand it, others busting along the seems with the excitement they couldn't contain. He wouldn't admit it to no one, but he felt a small degree of both emotions combined, just not enough to make him realize it.

[ nataga ban'yuu ] :: sunagakure

"Rikuto," he repeated with a smile. He only stayed in place for one or two seconds though before he moved closer to the window with ease. What was there to see outside? There had to be something if the blonde boy was looking out so intently. He even grabbed the other Genin's arm to pull him closer so that he might look as well, and he waved to the others standing beyond the window, even though he didn't know any of them at all. "Did your family come from Kumo? Your sensei?"
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Takashi Ruaka
Takashi Ruaka

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Room 301... - Page 2 Vide
PostSubject: Re: Room 301...   Room 301... - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSun May 30 2010, 23:37


"And here we are, actually expecting to see some prospective chuunin here."

The instant that the clock's long hand had struck the twelve and the short hand had shifted to the nine completely, and the second arm ticked the beginning of the hour, there was smoke. It was nothing serious, but enough to cover each of the jounin and those above as they materialized in various areas around the classroom, whether on the shelves, the desks, in supervising seats, on the ceiling, in the back, or up front. Along with them a table had appeared on either side of the room, covered by a case. But it was the speaker who stole away centre stage. And none too gracefully.

The speaker was a tall man who materialized up front, with one foot firmly against the edge of the desk and the other leg dangling over the side, was one sour, unhappy-looking shinobi, and surely he was one, considering the Konoha hitai-ate that was clearly tied across his forehead. His long, thick black coat, draped from his shoulders, covered most of his body save his neck and head, the belts tied and fastened, zippers zipped. Perfect and regal enough, except that he didn't care much about that image.

Half of his face was obscured by the navy cloth over it, as well as his throat, the rest protected by the collar of a grey vest beneath the cloak. There were no earrings, no accessories - the only other distinguishing feature besides his very dark, constantly irritated, lazy eyes, was the strands of stray brown hair hanging over the left side of his headband and that which was tied above the knot of said headband. However, to those who knew him... well, there was nothing more distinguishing than his bored and simultaneously annoyed mannerisms and arrogant voice.

"Everyone take a seat," he said, and it wasn't so much an order as a request... and one that demanded compliance. He glanced around the room, carelessly meeting any gazes that happened to meet his, without any sign of recognition or other in his own. "Now." Which meant, don't pick and choose. Just sit. "We'll get started when I know you can follow a simple command."
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Kasazuki Kanata
Kasazuki Kanata

Rank : Nukenin
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Room 301... - Page 2 Vide
PostSubject: Re: Room 301...   Room 301... - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSun May 30 2010, 23:38

Tenka Mairuzu

[gak, I meant to get this up yesterday but lost net ;w; if it's too late, just delete this post x3
Oh, and Ruaka at the front = win xD]

Nervousness struck him in the form of sticky palms and beads of sweat pearling about his forehead. The back of his neck felt utterly stiff - come to think of it, so did everything else. In the poor boy's opinion, he simply couldn't get enough training for this. Had he forgotten to review anything? Was he prepared for this, truly and really? He nearly thought he was going to die as he went to sign up at the registration, and having survived that, he felt no more confident as he sluggishly dragged himself down the hall to his next destination. Surely, any second now as he made his way to the evaluation room, he was going to be jumped, no, killed, or... or worse. Somehow, he would be made to suffer something worse than death.

He was sure of it.

Was he honestly ready for this?

He gulped and entered the room, this after everybody else - something which was very unlike the usual Mairuzu. The boy was a stickler for punctual appearances, but today... He'd barely made it to registration. Looking around the room quickly, he saw not many a familiar face, much to both his dismay and elation. There was Yana, his teammate. Hopefully he wouldn't make too much of a fool of himself... How embarrassing would that be? Shuddering a little, he delicately picked his way about the room and took a seat, not particularly caring where it was he ended up. He felt slightly sick to his stomach, even as he propped his chin up on curled hand. He squeezed his eyes shut against the clock. They were due to commence soon, and no matter how much he wanted to feel excited, he just felt...

'Ugh... Why, Mairuzu, why?'

Blinking his eyes open, he wanted to shake his head in denial, really he did.

However, it seemed time had passed quicker than even he could have hoped. The clock had hit 0900 and the display surrounding him was not one lost on the young genin. Wonder filled his eyes, and respect dimmed his brow as he focused on the shinobi at the front of the room. They were starting, they were starting!... Oh God, they were starting. His face went a little greener, he was sure.

It was a good thing he was already sitting, to be sure.
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PostSubject: Re: Room 301...   Room 301... - Page 2 I_icon_minitime

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